Monday, January 30, 2017

Things that you are doing in interviews

On the formality scale, etiquette coach and founder of Speak-Well Myles Usher suggests that job interviews are “on the same level as meeting the parents of a new partner for the first time.” We all know that wearing joggers is probably a bad idea, but over-dressing can be just as much of an issue. By wearing something completely off-kilter with the rest of the office, you’re making it tricky for the person doing the hiring to see you fitting in.

Catherine Conlon of recruitment website Monster agrees that “you should be the focus of the interview, not your clothing.” So stick to smart basics and don’t over-egg it. If a suit doesn’t feel right, then a pair of well-tailored trousers, a white shirt and a crisp navy jumper will work in any situation.

Being polite and interested in the person who is interviewing you may seem obvious, but even public speaker pros can get wrapped up in trying to sell themselves too hard. Coming across as cocky rather than confident is a nightmare scenario that is hard to come back from, so Usher suggests asking about their career path and how they like the company.

“This is a technique that is most useful in the ‘do you have any questions for us’ section, as it gives you something to say that suggests a genuine interest in the culture as well as the work.” The person who’s interviewing you will likely be working alongside you for 40 hours a week, so put yourself in their shoes – do you want to sit next to a self-absorbed bore for the best part of your Monday to Friday?

While you’re trying to get in the zone in your own head, don’t forget that the interview starts the moment you step inside the building. Jana Eggers, CEO of Nara Logics, says that regardless of how the formal chat went, she always gets feedback from the receptionist: “I want to know if someone comes in and isn’t polite, if they didn’t say hello or ask them how they were. It’s really important to me.”

So swap cramming last-minute company policy facts on your phone for water-cooler chat and it may just clinch you the job.

Of course the universal guarantee in all job interviews regardless of industry is the handshake. Wherever you stand on the firm scale of ‘shakes, there’s one thing you can do that will make it universally more reassuring: “Dry, warm hands inspire confidence while cold, clammy hands are a big, unconscious turn-off” says Emmie Martin of Business Insider.

Applying deodorant to your palms and warming them under the hand-dryer might seem like an odd pre-interview ritual, but psychological studies have shown that even holding a warm coffee makes someone feel more positive about the person we’re talking to, so it’s not all pseudoscience.

According to recruitment platform Jobvite, 93 per cent of those looking to hire will stalk research an applicant’s social media accounts before meeting them face to face.
It’s not just the sloshed-on-a-stag-do posts that put off employers – two-thirds said they would also be put off by bad spelling and grammar, regardless of how spotless the CV was. Time to update those privacy settings and un-tag your Magaluf 2013 album for good.

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